TRAINING: Hands-on dry/wet-lab methodologies (November 9th)
SURFBIO and GREENER projects, that AXIA Innovation is participating in, are organising a hands-on training on dry/wet-lab methodologies. The event will be held in the framework of the Week of Microbial Technologies, taking place on the 9th of November in Ljubljana (Slovenia), at JSI facilities (and online).
The training will focus on “Experimental and computational approaches to study cell-cell interactions and cell-surface interactions”, and will provide insights from experienced researchers of several international entities on:
• Bacterial Synthetic communities as inoculants for agriculture and environmental protection.
• Constraint based metabolic modelling: basic concepts and application to communities.
• Tools and methods for CB modelling and visualisation.
• Basic physics principles and practical work to engineer microbial single or multispecies structures to add
parameters of spatial complexity in metabolic models (lab practical).
• Systems biology approaches for studying cell-cell and cell-surface interactions.
Visit the event website
And register for FREE:
For more info on the projects
These projects have received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement numbers GREENER 826312 and SURFBIO 952379.