SaP 6-month meeting in Athens

On March 30th and 31st, 2023, the Sustain-a-Print (SaP) consortium attended the 6-month Meeting in Athens, Greece, hosted by our partner Creative Nano (Cnano). The SaP consortium had two fruitful days of discussions regarding what has already been and can be done to achieve the project’s main goal of replacing the fossil-based materials used for printed electronics production by using recycled, bio-based, and biodegradable alternatives, synergizing with the Bioeconomy Action Plan put forth by the European Union.

In SaP, AXIA is leading the Work Package 8 (WP8): Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation, and at the meeting, AXIA presented all activities and achievements in these first six months. Events, dissemination materials, publications, and exploitation strategies were some of the topics discussed.

To know more visit the SaP website:


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