BIOMAC Consortium Gathers for 42-Month Progress Update, Showcases Advancements in Bio-Based Platform

BIOMAC’s primary goal is to create a self-sustaining Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) Ecosystem that supports the scaling up of Nanostructured bio-based materials (NBM) for market readiness and production.

AXIA Innovation participated in BIOMAC’s 42-month consortium meeting, which was held online over two days, June 18th and 19th. The meeting focused on the project’s progress within the current Testbeds and the Testbed that entered the open call. The OITB structure and procedures were reviewed, and the next steps for the project’s final months were outlined.

During the meeting, AXIA presented updates from the past six months on the Value Chain assessment and the Decision Support Tool being developed within work-package 6. By month 42, Axia had achieved a comprehensive understanding of the entire value chains and created a preliminary economic and environmental database integrated into an optimization code. The objective is to develop a web-based platform capable of predicting and solving optimal solutions using this optimization model. With six more months of intensive work ahead, AXIA is on the right track to meet this goal.

For more information on the BIOMAC project and its recent developments, visit the project website at





Topic: DT-NMBP-04-2020 – Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled bio-based materials (IA)

This project has received funding for the European Union H2020’s research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 952941.